Monday, January 01, 2007

Rough patch

Well, we hit a little rough patch in the road here .... We arrived home fine on Wednesday (although I did manage to leave my blood glucose meter behind at my SIL's house). I was very tired that day but went to bed and thought all was well.

The next night we went out to dinner, and then afterward D insisted that we go up to our HMO on the other side of town to pick up my new glucose meter. He meant well, but I was tired and didn't want to, and the whole thing degenerated into an argument. We did go to the HMO and pick it up, but then didn't get home until nine-ish. I started having more Braxton-Hicks contractions that night, which then got worse, and finally resulted in me spending a couple of days in bed getting them under control.

So Friday and Saturday were lost to lolling around in bed, and then on Sunday morning I felt better, so I dragged D over to BabyNews, the only "large" baby store in our area. Hah. Large like a hole in the wall. We did get to try out a Snap-n-Go double, but looking at their $600 cribs was kind of a joke. We can't spend $600 each on cribs and that's just the way it is. We really need to keep it around or under $200 (and if anyone has suggestions, I'm more than open to them!).

So that was semi-productive ... but later in the evening, D started having asthma problems (he's allergic to the same cats he loves). This was his first big asthma attack in about five years, but it was a doozy. Due to his freakin' stubbornness, I ended up finally calling an ambulance at 3 a.m., thank you very much. As you perhaps can tell from the calm way I've related this, he spent only a couple of hours at the hospital and is more or less fine now. However, now my BH contractions have started up again, so I am typing this during one of my brief sojourns away from bed.

OUCH. Just got another twinge. Time for bed again.


Blogger Thalia said...

Blimey that's some comment spam you've got there. Never seen anything quite like it.

Sorry to hear you've had a stressful time, I do hope those contractions settle down now.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Hetty Fauxvert said...

Wow, indeed! I think I'll leave the comment spam for a day or two just because it's so bizarre. It ought to be in the Museum of Spam!

Thalia, thanks for the good wishes! And Suz, thanks for the heads-up about the Delta. I've been considering Jenny Linds in general for that reason -- our space here is so small that the boys almost certainly have bunk beds in their future, so no point in buying some gold-plated crib that converts into a replica of the complete Imperial Bedroom Suite of the Deposed Tzars, or whatever.

8:23 PM  
Blogger chris said...

Get your butt back in the bed, woman.

6:53 AM  

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